- M. Brunner, A. Keller, "Self-Managing Distributed Systems", Springer, LNCS 2867, 2003, ISBN 3-540-20314-1.
- Chapter on IP services in "Service Provision, technologies for next generation communications", published by John Wiley, 2004, ISBN 0-470-85066-3.
- M. Brunner, "Service Management in a Telecom Environment based on Active Network Technology", Dissertation ETH Zurich, No 13433, TIK-Schriftenreihe No. 34, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, ISBN- 3-8265-7583-0, 2000.
- Maurizio Molina, Juergen Quittek, Marcus Brunner, Telemaco Melia, Scalable and efficient QoS support for SIP-signaled voice calls, International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., To appear 2006.
- Simon Schütz, Lars Eggert, Stefan Schmid and Marcus Brunner, Protocol Enhancements for Intermittently Connected Hosts. ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR), Vol. 35, No. 3, July 2005, pp. 5-18.
- M. Brunner, L. Eggert, K. Fall, J. Ott, L. Wolf: Dagstuhl Seminar on Disruption Tolerant Networking, ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR), Vol. 35, No. 3, July 2005, pp. 69-72.
- Marcus BRUNNER, Juan NOGUERA, Hiroyuki OKAZAKI, Amardeo SARMA, Heiner STÜTTGEN, European Activities towards an All-IP Mobile Network, NEC Journal on Advanced Technology, 2005.
- M. Brunner, G. Nunzi, T. Dietz, C. Hullo, I. Kazuhiko, Customer-oriented GMPLS Service Management and Resilience Differentiation, e-Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol 1(2), 2004.
- M. Brunner et al. From dynamic IP Transport Service Ordering to DiffServ Network Configuration, Journal on Computer Networks, July 2003.
- J. Quittek, M. Brunner, Applying and Evaluating Active Technologies in Distributed Management, Journal on Network and Systems Management (JSNM), accepted for publication, 2002.
- T. Braun, M. Scheidegger, G. Stattenberger, M. Brunner, H. Stüttgen, Performance Evaluation of a Linux DiffServ Implementation, Journal on Computer Communications, accepted for publication 2002.
- M. Brunner, B. Plattner, R. Stadler, Service Creation and Management in Active Telecom Environments, Communications of the ACM, March 2001.
- M. Brunner, R. Stadler, Management in Telecom Environments that are based on Active Networks, Journal of High Speed Networks, March/April 2001.
- M. Brunner, Tutorial on Active Networks and its Management, Journal Annals of Telecommunications, 2001.
- Marcus Brunner, Rolf Stadler, Service Management in Multi-Party Active Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2000.
Conferences Publications
Vlad Balan, Lars Eggert, Saverio Niccolini and Marcus Brunner, An Experimental Evaluation of Voice Quality over the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol, INFOCOM'07, Anchoridge, Alaska, USA, 2007..
Roman Schlegel, Saverio Niccolini, Sandra Tartarelli and Marcus Brunner, SPam over Internet Telephony (SPIT) Prevention Framework, Proceedings of Globecom'06, USA.
- S. Niccolini, M. Stiemerling, D. Luzzi, M. Brunner: Identification, Blocking, and Charging of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Real-Time Applications, World Telecommunication Congress 2006 (WTC06) proceedings, May 2006.
Kai Zimmermann, Lars Eggert, Simon Schuetz and Marcus Brunner, Self-Management of Wireless Base stations, IST Mobile Summit, Mykonos, Greece, June2006.
Simon Schütz, Lars Eggert, Stefan Schmid and Marcus Brunner, Protocol Enhancements for Disruption Tolerant Mobile Networking.. IEEE INFOCOM Poster and Demo Session, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, April 23-29, 2006
G. Nunzi, S. Schuetz, M. Brunner, Generic Monitoring and Intervention on Self-Configuring Networked Devices, NOMS Application Session, Vancouver, Canada, April 2006.
S. Schmid, P. Vijayakumar, S. Schuetz, M. Brunner, Application-independent Session Mobility between User Terminals, Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA), - Service Delivery Platforms for Next Generation Networks, Montreal, Canada, October 2005.
M. Brunner, S. Schuetz, et al., Towards Ambient Networks Management, MATA 2005, Montreal, Canada, October 2005.
E. Asmare, S. Schmid, M. Brunner: Setup and Maintenance of Overlay Networks for Multimedia Services in Mobile Environments, MMNS 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 2005.
Kai Zimmermann, Sebastian Felis, Stefan Schmid, Lars Eggert and Marcus Brunner, Autonomic Wireless Network Management, 2nd IFIP TC6 International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2005), October 3-5, 2005, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, 2005.
J. Pujol, S. Schmid, L. Eggert, M. Brunner, J. Quittek: Analytical Scalability Analysis of the TurfNet Naming and Routing Architecture. Proc. ACM Mobicom Workshop on Dynamic Interconnection of Networks (DIN 2005), Cologne, Germany, September 5, 2005, pp. 28-32.
- Kai Zimmermann, Lars Eggert and Marcus Brunner, Self-Management of Wireless Base Stations, IEEE Integrated Management (IM’05) Workshop on Management Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing (MICMC’05), Nice, 2005.
- Simon Schuetz, Marcus Brunner, Zoltán Lajos Kis, Csaba Simon, Robert Szabo, Gergely Molnar, Plug and Play Configuration for Composable Networks, IST Mobile Summit, 2005.
- Stefan Schmid, Lars Eggert, Marcus Brunner, Jürgen Quittek, Towards Autonomous Network Domains, Symposium on the Global Internet, Miami, USA, 2005.
- Miquel Martin, Marcus Brunner, Martin Stiemerling, Ali Fessi, Path-coupled signaling for NAT/Firewall traversal, IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’05), Hong Kong, 2005.
- Giorgio Nunzi, Juergen Quittek, Marcus Brunner, Scalable Fault Management for mobile networks beyond 3G, IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Management (IM’05), Nice, France, 2005.
- M. Brunner, S. Schuetz, J. Tobella, M. Stiemerling, Plug and Play Configuration for Composable Networks, short paper in IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Management (IM’05), Nice, France, 2005.
- J. Nielsen, A. Galis, H. Abrahamsson, B. Ahlgren, M. Brunner, L. Cheng, J. A. Colas, S. Csaba, A. Gonzalez, A. Gunnar, G. Molnar, R. Szabo: Management Architectures and Approaches for Ambient Networks, 12th WWRF meeting, Toronto, Canada, November 4-5, 2004.
- M. Blasi Folch, M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, SIP Policy Control using Modular Firewalls, IEEE IP Operations and Management (IPOM), Bejing, China, 2004.
- M. Stiemerling, C. Cadar, A. Fessi, M. Brunner, IP Multimedia Subsystem Inter-working with Firewalls and NATs, World Telecom Congress (WTC'04), Seoul, 2004.
- Bengt Ahlgren, Marcus Brunner, Lars Eggert, Robert Hancock, Stefan Schmid, Invariants – A New Design Methodology for Network Architectures, SIGCOMM Workshop on future Directions of Network Architectures (FDNA), 2004.
- Brunner et al., System Management Research Challenges in Ambient Networks: A Synthesis Study. Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA), - Service Delivery Platforms for Next Generation Networks, MATA’04, 2004.
- Stefan Schmid, Lars Eggert, Marcus Brunner, Jürgen Quittek, TurfNet: An Architecture for Dynamically Composable Networks, Working Conference on Autonomic Communication (WAC’04), Berlin, Germany, 2004.
- G. Nunzi, M. Brunner, I. Kazuhiko, Customer-oriented GMPLS Service Management, IEEE High-Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR'04), Phoenix, USA, 2004.
- F. Raspall, J. Quittek, M. Brunner, M. Martin: Path-coupled Configuration of Passive Measurements, Proceedings of IPS'04, Budapest, Hungary, 2004.
- J. Tobella, M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, Self-Configuration of IPv6 Routers, Short Paper/Poster, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'04), Seoul, Korea, 2004.
Rosella Greco, Luca Delgrossi, Marcus Brunner, Towards RSVP Version 2, IP-QoS, Milan, Italy, 2003.
M. Brunner, C. Hullo: GMPLS Fault Management and its Impact on Service Resilience Differentiation, IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM´03), Colorado Spring, USA, 2003.
A. Reyes, M. Brunner, A. Barba, "Controlling IP Network Management Systems via Policies", IASTED International Conference Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2002), November 2002.
M. Brunner, "Active Service Creation in Multi-party Environments", invited paper at the Workshop on Active Network Technologies and Applications, Tokyo, March 25-26, 2002.
P. Martinez, M. Brunner, J. Quittek, F. Strauss, J. Schoenwaelder, S. Mertens, T. Klie, "Using the Script MIB for Policy-based Configuration Management", IEEE/IFIP on Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'02), Florence, Italy, 2002.
A. Prieto, M. Brunner, "SLS to DiffServ Configuration Mapping", IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM´01), Nancy, France, 2001.
M. Brunner, J. Quittek, "MPLS Management using Policies", Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM´01), May 14-18, Seattle, USA, 2001.
G. Stattenberger, T. Braun, M. Brunner, "A Platform-Independent API for Quality of Service Management", IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2001), Dallas, USA, May 2001.
J. Quittek, M. Pias, M. Brunner, "Integrating IP Traffic Flow Measurement", Workshop on Passive and Active Measurements (PAM2001), Amsterdam, 2001.
2000 and before
Marcus Brunner, "A Service Management Toolkit for Active Networks", IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2000), Hawaii, USA, April 2000.
Marcus Brunner, Rolf Stadler, "Virtual Active Networks -- Safe and Flexible Environments for Customer-managed Services", Tenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM'99), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1700, Springer Verlag, Zurich, October 1999.
Marcus Brunner, Rolf Stadler, "The Impact of Active Networking Technology on Service Management in a Telecom Environment", Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM'99), Boston, 1999.
Marcus Brunner, Bernhard Plattner, "Management of Active Networks", ICC Workshop on Active and Programmable Networks, Atlanta, 1998.
Simon Znaty, Thomas Walter, Marcus Brunner, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Bernhard Plattner, "Multimedia Multipoint Teleteaching over the European ATM Pilot", Proceeding of the 1996 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications: Broadband Communications (IZS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1044, February 1996.
Marcus Brunner, "X-Application Sharing: The XWedge", JVTOS-Workshop, Ulm, 1996.
Thomas Walter, Marcus Brunner, Didier Loisel, Simon Znaty and Bruno Dufresne, "The BETEUS (Broadband Exchange for Trans-European USage) Communication Platform", Proceedings of the International Distributed Conference on High Performance Networking for Teleteaching, Madeira, Portugal, November 1995.
Thomas Walter, Marcus Brunner, Bernhard Plattner, "BETEUS - Broadband Exchange for Trans-European USage" IEE Symposium on Data Highway, Bern, Switzerland, 1995.
Standardization Documents
M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, Additional Communication Patterns for NSIS, Internet draft, draft-stiemerling-nsis-mrm-patterns-00, June 2006.
M. Pana, A. Reyes, A. Barba, D. Moron, M. Brunner, Policy Core Extension Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Schema (PCELS), RFC 4104, June 2005. Includes various versions <draft-reyes-policy-core-ext-schema-00 - 05.txt
M. Brunner (Editor) et al: Requirements for QoS Signaling, RFC 3726, including various versions of <draft-ietf-nsis-req-00-09.txt>.
M. Brunner et al.: Policy Core Information Model Extensions, Internet draft, <draft-ietf-policy-pcim-ext-00 -08.txt>, RFC 3460, January 2003.
Various Drafts in Next Steps in Signaling WG (NSIS)
C. Aoun, M. Brunner, M. Stiemerling, M. Martin, H. Tschofenig: NAT/Firewall NSLP migration and intra-realm communication considerations, Internet draft, <draft-aoun-nsis-nslp-natfw-migration-02.txt>, July 2004
C. Aoun, M. Brunner, M. Stiemerling, M. Martin, H. Tschofenig: NAT/Firewall NSLP Intra-realm considerations, Internet draft, <draft-aoun-nsis-nslp-natfw-intrarealm-01.txt>, July 2004
M. Martin, M. Brunner, M. Stiemerling: SIP NSIS Interactions for NAT/Firewall Traversal, Internet draft, <draft-martin-nsis-nslp-natfw-sip-02.txt>, July 2004
M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, M. Martin, C. Aoun, H. Tschofenig, NAT/Firewall NSLP migration and intra-realm communication considerations, draft-aoun-nsis-nslp-natfw-migration-00.txt.
M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, M. Martin, C. Aoun, A NAT/Firewall NSLP security infrastructure, draft-martin-nsis-nslp-security-00.txt.
M. Brunner, M. Stiemerling: Middlebox Signaling in a NSIS Framework, Internet draft, <draft-brunner-nsis-mbox-fmwk-00.txt>, June 2002
M. Stiemerling, M. Brunner, IETF NSIS WG, "Middlebox Signaling in a NSIS Framework", draft-brunner-nsis-mbox-fmwk-00.txt, July 2002.
M. Brunner, R. Greco, Toward RSVP Version 2, Internet Draft, <draft-brunner-nsis-rsvpv2-00.txt>, October 2002
M. Brunner: NSIS Transport Layer Protocol (NTLP) Functionality, Internet draft <draft-brunner-nsis-ntlp-func-00.txt>, December 2002.
M. Brunner, M. Stiemerling, M. Martin, H. Tschofenig, H. Schulzrinne: NSIS NAT/FW NSLP: Problem Statement and Framework, draft-brunner-nsis-midcom-ps-00.txt.
R. Hancock, E. Hepworth, C. Kappler, H. Tschofenig, J. Eisl, J. Cuellar, M. Ersue, X. Fu, H. Karl, M. Brunner, A. Kassler: Towards a Framework for QoS Signaling in the Internet, <draft-hancock-nsis-framework-00.txt>, Internet Draft, February 2002.
M. Brunner, Issues in Floor Control, draft-brunner-xcon-fc-00.txt.
M. Brunner CAPWAP BoF, presentation of using SNMP/DHCP for Wireless access point configuration
M. Brunner: DMTF white paper on the CIM MPLS Information Model, 2002. CIM Network MPLS Model White Paper CIM Version 2.7, Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), September 2002.
M. Brunner, "COPS usage for Path Computation Servers (COPS-PCS)", Internet Draft, <draft-brunner-mpls-cops-pcs-00.txt>, work in progress, 2002.
Schrader, H. Hartenstein, R. Schmitz, J. Quittek, M. Momona, M. Brunner, R. Hancock, E. Hepworth, M. Rautenberg, H. Tschofenig, C. Kappler, H.-P. Schwefel, Niedermeier, H. Karl, X. Fu, A. Kassler: Requirements for QoS Signaling Protocols, Internet Draft, <draft-brunner-nsis-req-00.txt>, November 2001.
N. Harrison (BT), P. Willis (BT), S. Davari (PMC-Sierra), E. G. Cuevas (AT&T), B. Mack-Crane (Tellabs), E. Franze (Deutsche Telekom), H. Ohta (NTT), T. So (Caspian Network), S. Goldfless (Lucent), F. Chen (Lucent), M. Azad (Nortel), D. Allan (Nortel), E. Davalo (Maple Optical Systems), W. Alanqar (Sprint), M. Brunner (NEC), C. Lan Pok (SBC), A. Punj (Marconi): Requirements for OAM in MPLS Networks, Internet Draft, <draft-harrison-mpls-oam-req-01.txt>, December 2001.
D. Allan (Nortel), M. Azad (Nortel), E. Cuevas (AT&T), N. Harrison (BT), S. Goldfless (Lucent), A. Punj (Marconi), M. Brunner (NEC), C. Lan Pok (SBC), W. Alanqar (Sprint): A Framework for MPLS User Plane OAM, Internet Draft, <draft-allan-mpls-oam-frmwk-01.txt>, November 2001.
T. Choi, C. Kim, Seunghyun, M. Brunner, H. Saito: Tunnel Management: Traffic Measurements and Status Monitoring, Internet Draft, <draft-choi-tunman-stats-00.txt>, Nov 2001.
M. Brunner et al.: MPLS information model, Visio and MOF, submitted to the DMTF, May 2002.
M. Brunner, A. Banchs, S. Tartarelli, H. Pan, "An one-to-any Assured Rate Per-Domain Behavior for Differentiated Services", Internet Draft, work in progress, <draft-brunner-diffserv-pdb-one2any-ar-00.txt>, March 2001.
Moore, L. Rafalow, R. Cohen, Y. Ramberg, Y. Snir, J. Strassner A. Westerinen, R. Chadha, M. Brunner, "Policy Core Information Model Extensions", Internet Draft, work in progress, <draft-ietf-policy-pcim-ext-00.txt> (Version 00-08), March 2001.
K. Isoyama, M. Brunner, M. Yoshida, J. Quittek, R. Chadha, G. Mykoniatis, A. Poylisher, R. Vaidyanathan, A. Kind, F. Reichmeyer, "Policy Framework MPLS Information Model for QoS and TE", Internet Draft, work in progress, <draft-chadha-policy-mpls-te-01.txt>, December 2000.
M. Brunner, J. Quittek, "Policy Framework Core Information Model Extensions", Internet Draft, work in progress, <draft-brunner-policy-core-ext-00.txt>, November 2000.
K. Isoyama, M. Yoshida, M. Brunner, A. Kind, J. Quittek, "Policy Framework QoS Information Model for MPLS", Internet-Draft, draft-isoyama-policy-mpls-info-model-00.txt, July 2000.